Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

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Learning Lane, Whitley, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 0WE



Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

Caring, Helping and Sharing

  1. Children
  2. Classes
  3. Acorn Class

 Acorn Class - Reception

Teacher: Mrs S Sutherland

         Miss R Hague

email: moughan@whitley.n-yorks.sch.uk                     

Times of the day and location for pick up etc

Acorn Class can arrive in school via the side school door at the front of the school  at the following times:

8:30am - if arriving with siblings in KS2 

8:40am - KS1 and EY only


Collection at the end of the day

Children should be collected at 2:55pm around the back of the school in the Acorn outdoor area.  Parents will be identified and children called to join them.   Please collect your reception child first and then go to the playground to collect their older siblings.

If you are running late or need a friend to collect your child please ensure that you let the via a phone call to the school office.  Please be aware that we will not let children leave with other parents unless we have received permission in advance.


Important days/ things to remember:

  • PE day: Every Tuesday (Children must wear trainers with velcro or trainers which can be done up and taken on/off independently)
  • Reading Books and Homework:

To start with, Reception children will not be set books online. When your child progresses into Photocopy Ditty group, you will be sent home an Oxford Owl Login and the books will be assigned to your child each Thursday through Oxford Reading Tree's elibrary. Most children will not be in this Group until around Christmas time. Until then, all children will be sent home Fred Games (5 minute videos) via Evidence Me, every Friday. 

Paper copies of the sounds your child has been learning/reviewing that week will be sent home for your child to practise reading, handwriting and sound writing.  Accompanying videos for each letter will also be sent via Evidence Me. 

Children are encouraged to share stories with their parents on a daily basis.  

An 'I wonder...' statement will be set each week via Evidence Me to ponder over and explore! Send in your discussions/enquiries using the parent observation section on Evidence Me. 

Library books will also be provided so you can enjoy a wide range of different stories and structures. These will be changed every FRIDAY. Children will not be able to get a new library book until they have returned their current one. 

  • Please ensure your child always brings a pair of wellies (to stay in school) and a waterproof coat every day as we go outside no matter the weather. 
  • Remember to check your Evidence Me accounts every Friday to see all the exciting things your child has been up to throughout the week. 
    This portal is also the best way for you to send in your own snapshots from home. We love to share our experiences from home, in school, so please do send them in!

A glimpse into our Autumn Term learning!


We all went on a trip to the Pantomime! It was so much fun. We got to travel there on a really big coach. When we got there it was inside a large theatre and we waited patiently for the show to come on. We joined in at different parts. Some parts were really funny! This made us excited to put on our own show next week - The Twinkly Nativity. We want to be  just like the actors on stage. 

An elf arrived! She is called Hollie! She left a trail of glitter and lots of boxes. When we looked inside we discovered that she has brought us some decorations. She explained to Miss Moughan that Father Christmas has seen how creative we are and wanted us to decorate our classroom. We put up the tree and then took it in turns to add baubles, listening and dancing along to Christmas songs. We then found an advent calendar for our home corner, as well as a Nativity scene. We discuss the Nativity scene and realised a lot of our characters from the Nativity we are learning (The Twinkly Nativity) are in it!

We read the story 'The Gingerbread Man' and began to wonder why he didn't swim across the river. We decided to set up our own investigation to answer the question - 'What would happen if the Gingerbread Man stepped in a puddle?'.

We discussed with our partners and as a class to make a prediction as to what we thought might happen. We discussed that for an experiment to be fair, every thing must be the same, apart from one thing that we change.
We made sure the gingerbread men, amount, time and containers were all the same. The children decided one hour was a good amount of time to leave the gingerbread men for. During learning time, we were able to observe how the gingerbread men began to change their composition!

After tidy up time we then concluded our experiment by taking a look at the results!
We discovered, if the Gingerbread Man stepped in a puddle of water, he would loose all of his colour and go 'smushy' and 'soft'. If he stepped in vinegar he would curl up and then go soft and if he stepped in milk he would also go really soft. If the gingerbread man stepped in oil, he would be absolutely fine!
A lot of our predictions were also correct. We loved doing our experiment!

The children have been shown how to independently use the painting resources in the workshop area. From carefully selecting the tools and resources we need, to decanting the paint into the trays.
We were then introduced to our sketch books. This is where we will place the majority of our art adult led work across the year. After, we then discussed which are the primary colours - red, green and blue. Together, we used the paint calculations on the wall to discover how to make the secondary colours- purple, orange and green. Each of us then made them independently and painted the colours into our books. Some of us then chose to use our new colours afterwards to create our own artwork. 

What does our EYFS learning environment look like?

What does our EYFS curriculum look like at WECPS?

50 Recommended Reads for Reception. 

EYFS Phonics Meeting 1 Information:

EYFS Information Evening for New Starters: