Clubs Night
Children are able to chose a Club on a Tuesday night which change termly. An example of some of the clubs are: knitting/gardening/lego/craft/netball/poetry/mindfulness/films/drama. The cost to attend is £1.50 per child, per club and must be paid in advance for the half term. A ParentMail form is sent out prior to the new term with the selection of clubs available. Payments should be made on ParentPay.
We also have Sports Club run by Jak available on a Tuesday. The charge for this is £5 per child. This takes place from the end of the school day and finishes at 3.45 pm. Bookings for these sessions can be made on ParentMail at the beginning of the term.
Children in Year 6 are able to attend Booster on a Thursday after school . This again is for all children in this year group to attend and we strongly encourage their attendance.