Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

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Learning Lane, Whitley, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 0WE



Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

Caring, Helping and Sharing

  1. Home
  2. Admissions
  3. General Admissions


Admissions to this school are through North Yorkshire  Council, please see the links below.  Thank you.

North Yorkshire Council Admissions

All children are admitted to this school through North Yorkshire County Council admissions. Please click on the title above to view the web page and apply or to access the Fair Access Protocol. 

https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/education-and-learning/school-admissions/changing-schoolsIs your child already attending school?

To apply for a place for a child already attending a school, but who would like to change during the school year, please click on the title above to view the web page

Notification of determined admission arrangements 2024-25