Meet the Governors
Mr P Johnson - Chair of Governors
Name | Phillip Johnson | Catergory | Chair of Governors / Local Authority Governor |
Appointed by | LA | Term in office | 02/24 - 02/28 |
Governance roles in other schools | none | Other positions of responsibility | Finance Committee/ Health & Safety |
Business Interests | none | Relationships | None |
Financial Interests | none |
Coming soon.
Mrs A Coventry - Headteacher Member of ETL Committee / Member of Finance Committee
Name | Alison Coventry | Category | Headteacher Governor |
Appointed by | FGB | Term in Office | 09/23 - ongoing |
Governance roles in other schools | N/A | Other positions of responsibility | Headteacher/Finance Committee/ETL Committee |
Business Interests | Acting Headteacher | Relationships | None |
Financial Interests | N/A |
Coming soon.
Mrs A Painter - Safeguarding and SEND Governor Chair of ETL Committee Link class tbc
Name | Mandy Painter | Category |
Parent governor. Full voting rights. |
Appointed by | Parent election | Term in Office | 02/2021-02/2025 |
Governance roles in other schools | Headteacher - governor, Tickhill Estfield Primary School |
Other positions of responsibility |
Safeguarding / SEND and ETL |
Business Interests | N/A | Relationships |
None |
Financial Interests | N/A |
Mrs J Britton - Vice Chair (joint), Finance Committee Member Link Class tbc
Name | Mrs Jessica Britton | Category |
Parent governor. Full voting rights. |
Appointed by | Parent election | Term in Office | 11/2022-11/2026 |
Governance roles in other schools | N/A |
Other positions of responsibility |
Finance Committee |
Business Interests | N/A | Relationships |
Parent of pupil
Financial Interests | N/A |
Miss L Abbasi Member of ETL Committee Link Class tbc
Name | Miss Leila Abbasi | Category |
Parent governor. Full voting rights. |
Appointed by | Parent election | Term in Office | 02/20223-02/2027 |
Governance roles in other schools | N/A |
Other positions of responsibility |
ETL Committee |
Business Interests | N/A | Relationships |
Parent of pupils
Financial Interests | N/A |
Mrs D Steward Associate Governor
Name | Diane Steward | Category |
Associate Governor |
Appointed by | FGB | Term in Office |
04/24-04/28 |
Governance roles in other schools | None | Other positions of responsibility | Finance Committee |
Business Interests | School Business Manager | Relationships | None |
Financial Interests | None |
Prior to working within a school, I worked for a large insurance company in both New Business and Direct Marketing. I have worked at Whitley and Eggborough for many years as the School Business Manager.
My role in school is very varied, no day is the same! Amongst other things, my work involves looking after the school budget, ensuring the building is safe and secure, and dealing with the procurement of contracts.
Mr J McKeown - Vice Chair (joint)
Name | Joshua McKeown | Category | Co-opted |
Appointed by | Governing Board | Term in office | 10/23-10/27 |
Governance roles in other schools | None | Other positions of responsibility | Chair of Finance Committee/Vice Chair |
Business Interests | None | Relationships | Husband of class teacher |
Financial Interests | None |
I am experienced in education, having worked as a teacher in Further Education colleges in the past, and now working at a university overseeing the continuous improvement of student experience and education. I am passionate about ensuring that everybody has access to good quality education and supporting people to achieve their best, whether that is pupils or staff.
Mrs J Poynton - Co-opted Governor
Name | Joanne Poynton | Category | Co-opted |
Appointed by | Governing Board | Term in office | 10/23-10/27 |
Governance in other schools | None | Other positions of responsibility | Finance committee |
Business Interests | None | Relationships | Parent of pupils |
Financial Interests | None |
Information coming soon
Mrs G Brown - Parent Governor
Name | Gemma Brown | Category | Parent Governor |
Appointed by | Parents | Term in office | 03/24 - 03/28 |
Governance in other schools | None | Other positions of responsibility | Finance committee |
Business Interests | Employee of Askham Bryan College | Relationships | Parent of pupils |
Finance Interests | None |
Information coming soon
Past Governors (left within 12 months)
Mrs L Singleton (Parent and Co Vice Chair) Resigned January 2023
Mr S Bates (Co-opted Governor) Resigned January 2023
Mrs S Jackson (Headteacher) Resigned August 2023
Mrs C Slater (Co-opted Governor) Resigned November 2023
Mr M Haigh (Chair of Governor) Resigned December 2023
Governor Attendance Data