Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

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Learning Lane, Whitley, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 0WE



Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

Caring, Helping and Sharing

  1. Home
  2. Meet our School Community
  3. Meet the Governors

Meet the Governors

Mr P Johnson - Chair of Governors       

Name Phillip Johnson Catergory Chair of Governors / Local Authority Governor
Appointed by LA Term in office 02/24 - 02/28
Governance roles in other schools none Other positions of responsibility Finance Committee/ Health & Safety
Business Interests none Relationships None
Financial Interests none

Coming soon.


Mrs A Coventry - Headteacher       Member of ETL Committee / Member of Finance Committee

Name Alison Coventry Category Headteacher Governor
Appointed by FGB Term in Office 09/23 - ongoing
Governance roles in other schools N/A Other positions of responsibility Headteacher/Finance Committee/ETL Committee
Business Interests Acting Headteacher Relationships None
Financial Interests N/A


Coming soon.

 Mrs A Painter - Safeguarding and SEND Governor    Chair of ETL Committee    Link class tbc

Name Mandy Painter Category

 Parent governor. Full voting rights.

Appointed by Parent election Term in Office 02/2021-02/2025
Governance roles in other schools Headteacher - governor, Tickhill Estfield Primary School

Other positions of responsibility

Safeguarding / SEND and ETL
Business Interests N/A Relationships



Financial Interests N/A

I have lived in Whitley since 1991, initially with my parents who are still in the village, and now with my husband and sons.  My sons both thoroughly enjoyed their time at Whitley & Eggborough Primary School and now attend local secondary schools. 
I am the Headteacher at a Doncaster primary school, having taught there for 20 years. I’m passionate about primary education with my specialist subject being Maths. I am also a governor at my school. 
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family. Holidays and days out with a picnic are our favourite family times. I also spend a lot of time on a rugby sideline or watching kickboxing lessons as I support my sons’ hobbies. My own newfound hobby is running, so you will see me regularly (slowly) running around the village. 


Mrs J Britton - Vice Chair (joint), Finance Committee Member   Link Class tbc


Name Mrs Jessica Britton Category

 Parent governor. Full voting rights.

Appointed by Parent election Term in Office 11/2022-11/2026
Governance roles in other schools N/A

Other positions of responsibility

Finance Committee
Business Interests N/A Relationships

 Parent of pupil


Financial Interests N/A

I have been working in education for 10 years combining teaching in special ed and mainstream secondary. Currently 6 years in post leading art and technology, line managing 4 teaching staff and 3 associates. I enjoy enriching students lives with broad balanced curriculum and I want this for all children in a safe environment. My son attends Whitley and Eggborough School and I look forward to watching him and the other students grow.


Miss L Abbasi  Member of ETL Committee     Link Class tbc

Name Miss Leila Abbasi Category

 Parent governor. Full voting rights.

Appointed by Parent election Term in Office 02/20223-02/2027
Governance roles in other schools N/A

Other positions of responsibility

ETL Committee
Business Interests N/A Relationships

 Parent of pupils


Financial Interests N/A

Working within Education is a highly important & rewarding aspect within my life. I have been a secondary school teacher & leader for the past 15 years, teaching in two large secondary schools in North & West Yorkshire. 
Prior to teaching I worked within the Design industry as a Fashion & Clothing Designer.
My career is stimulating as each day brings new challenges & my passion is teaching children & young people.
There is nothing more rewarding than success in the classroom. 
My two children attend Whitley & Eggborough Primary school & I am delighted to serve on the governing body. 
Within my spare time my interests are Art & design, textiles, home improvements, reading, holidaying & keeping fit. 


Mrs D Steward Associate Governor


Name Diane Steward Category

 Associate Governor

Appointed by FGB Term in Office


Governance roles in other schools None Other positions of responsibility Finance Committee
Business Interests School Business Manager Relationships None
Financial Interests None


Prior to working within a school, I worked for a large insurance company in both New Business and Direct Marketing. I have worked at Whitley and Eggborough for many years as the School Business Manager.

My role in school is very varied, no day is the same! Amongst other things, my work involves looking after the school budget, ensuring the building is safe and secure, and dealing with the procurement of contracts.


Mr J McKeown - Vice Chair (joint)

Name Joshua McKeown Category Co-opted
Appointed by Governing Board Term in office 10/23-10/27
Governance roles in other schools None Other positions of responsibility Chair of Finance Committee/Vice Chair
Business Interests None Relationships Husband of class teacher
Financial Interests None


I am experienced in education, having worked as a teacher in Further Education colleges in the past, and now working at a university overseeing the continuous improvement of student experience and education. I am passionate about  ensuring that everybody has access to good quality education and supporting people to achieve their best, whether that is pupils or staff.

I grew up in the local area, and have had an association with the school for some years, since my wife joined the school as a class teacher. I frequently support trips and events at the school, and have also been known to deliver talks about my areas of expertise within history. In my spare time, I love to go walking in the many beautiful areas of Yorkshire, taking my dog Lola with me.

Mrs J Poynton - Co-opted Governor


Name Joanne Poynton Category Co-opted
Appointed by Governing Board Term in office 10/23-10/27
Governance in other schools None Other positions of responsibility Finance committee
Business Interests None Relationships Parent of pupils
Financial Interests None


Information coming soon


 Mrs G Brown - Parent Governor

Name Gemma Brown Category Parent Governor
Appointed by Parents Term in office 03/24 - 03/28
Governance in other schools None Other positions of responsibility Finance committee
Business Interests Employee of Askham Bryan College Relationships Parent of pupils
Finance Interests None


Information coming soon

Past Governors  (left within 12 months)


Mrs L Singleton        (Parent and Co Vice Chair)      Resigned January 2023

Mr S Bates   (Co-opted Governor)                              Resigned January 2023

Mrs S Jackson (Headteacher)                                      Resigned August 2023

Mrs C Slater (Co-opted Governor)                              Resigned November 2023

Mr M Haigh (Chair of Governor)                                 Resigned December 2023



Governor Attendance Data